The following table provides details of ADMs that will be raised as a part of the violation of USBangla Airlines Policy [ADM is assigned on a per passenger per segment basis]:
South East Asia | Far East | Middle East/KSA | Europe | Domestic |
ADM = $12 | ADM = $15 | ADM = $20 | ADM = $25 | ADM = $5 |
Chennai | Bangkok | Doha | | Barishal |
Kolkata | Kuala Lumpur | Dubai | | Chattogram |
Maldives | Singapore | Muscat | | Cox’s Bazar |
| Guangzhou | Sharjah | | Dhaka |
| | Abu Dhabi | | Jashore |
| | | | Rajshahi |
| | | | Sylhet |
| | | | Saidpur |
- For example, Fake Name violations that were detected on a single passenger PNR with the following segment:
- CGP – DAC – DOH – DAC – CGP: This would lead to a total ADM value of ($50.00 + Admin Fee). In order to reach the $50, each segment would be penalized at its regional rate:
Route | Fee |
CGP-DAC | $5 (Domestic) |
DAC-DOH | $20 |
DOH-DAC | $20 |
DAC-CGP | $5 (Domestic) |
Acceptable Cancellation Ratio & ADM Calculation | SOUTH EAST ASIA | FAREAST | MIDDLE EAST | EUROPE | DOMESTIC |
HIGH CANCELLATION RATIO OVER 60% | USD 0.75 | USD 0.75 | USD 0.75 | USD 0.75 | RATIO OVER 50% = USD 0.75 |
To cover the cost of the audit procedures, a fixed amount of USD 15 or equivalent is added to eachADM in addition of the booking abusive amount.
- The minimum amount, for which an ADM is raised, is USD 5.00.
- US-Bangla Airlines can issue one ADM with multiple reasons for one original ticket in regard to minimum amount. In case of persistent practices of under collection (multiple occurrences of underpayments of less than USD 5 by the same Travel Agent), US-Bangla Airlines reserves the right to recover these underpayments by sending an ADM.
- Short collection & short deposit on account fares/taxes/fees and charges observed in BSP salesreports. Excess refund on account of wrong calculation of residual fares, taxes, fees and charges through refund Application already authorized (RA) and Refund notice (RN) as well as any type of excess payment (incentive, kick back etc.) Through BSP link ACM already issued earlier due to wrong calculation which detected late. Due deportee fare, taxes, fees, charges and fines already imposed by foreign countries immigration & identified to a specific agent.
- Per ADM Issuance charges will be USD 50.00 for issue, reissue, tax, commission, refund and other charges in addition of the discrepancy amount.
- BSP login password charges as applicable
The following sections provide details of the ADM procedures carried out by US-Bangla Airlines:
Time Limit to Issue ADMs
- For IATA and ARC agencies, the time limits governed by these organizations will be applied. USBangla Airlines will issue ADMs within 9 months after the last date of travel for sales transactions / the refund date for refunded tickets. For non-IATA agencies ADMs will be issued within 1 year after the last date of travel/refund date
- Time limits in ADM issuance do not infringe upon BS’s right to issue/collect ADMs without being subject to any time limits in the case of fraud and fraudulent transactions unless there are other restrictions (legal, administrative, commercial) as those time limits have been set to accomplish the audit.
ADM Disputes
- ADMs will be communicated via BSP Link for BSP agencies and Memo Manager for ARC agencies and via e-mail for non-IATA agencies.
- Any disputes should be raised with US-Bangla Airlines within 14 days once the ADM iscommunicated to the Travel Agent. If this time limit is not met, ADMs will be finalized for settlement with the effective due date/report period mentioned in the ADM.